The Shield Maker

Marty Lovins, Shield Maker

Marty Lovins has been making shields for more than three decades.

Being that I seldom leave the house without one of his shields
protecting me, you might want to take a look.
                                 Jim Bodeen


            for Marty Lovins, Shield Maker

The artist wants to cause problems
Tell Karen what can’t be put into words
Tell Karen, anything you can get away with

An idea, like Picasso says,
but a vague idea

This photo, taken 1938 Coney Island
An over-crowded beach full of white people
A thing I found
And all these white people on the beach
Cancer on the way

Obsolete wire
Obsolete gloves
            Those stars

                        three black holes
                                    in space

            three missing stars

Karen knows all this, she’s a maker
Karen makes things
Things that can’t be put into words
Here it is again.
Eye and tongue at cross purposes.
Shape, texture, memories

This can opener. It’s texture, its feel
In the old days we opened beer cans with it
Drank the beer and threw cans out the window

Jim Bodeen
20 February 2020

If you view them as stars they make up the three
in a line from the constellation Orion, The Hunter.
(His belt.) But that’s real personal because of something
I experienced. You might see it as part of the design
to balance the composition with the red stripes.
Stars would never enter into your viewing. These
dots repeat the circles of the flute and circle at end
of black strip. But that wire-wrapped glove and a packed
beach of people is the main image I was trying to form.
“You have to like the mystery,” From a found poem
by Jim Bodeen

Statement by Marty Lovins
20 February 2019


Earlier today, visiting my jeweler
he showed me goggles that hadn't quite
made it into an assemblage
they were my size
and might work for me
on the mountain
If I had money I would write him the check
that one, the one matching the value
I hold for each piece of work
These shields have protected me
for three decades and when I mentioned
earlier that I seldom leave home
without wearing one, an artist
asked, Really? Really, which made me
think I could show him a few pieces
right here, pretty easy,
made me almost forget about Karen
sitting beside me as we ate
Here a few are then, belt buckle,
medicine bag, fetish, elk tooth,
they're all shields, some pinned
to vests Karen makes for me.
I'm not allowed to tell you
what's in the medicine bag
anyway it changes
depending on dangers
anticipating pleasures and joy
Jim Bodeen

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