Poems from the Butterscotch Chair


Empty dish washer, scrub pan
in sink and make Pike Place Coffee
for Karen. September sun comes through
window from tall grass. I've walked
the yard reading poems of Su Tung-p'o
remembering his 800 letters, his 10,000 pores,
and his translators, a millennium gone,
returning to my own wandering thought,
sitting in the butterscotch chair,
a memorial service at 11 for the husband
of a former Bible student,
I was her Sunday School teacher
decades ago, firefighters in love,
another day of Aretha's songs
rare and unreleased, released in me
part of our cultural breath, oxygen-loaded
breath prayers singing us a little more
into being, carrying her
from before we were born
how we got through

Jim Bodeen
3-14 September 2018

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