

So far, it's going slow,
this whittling   I haven't
whittled since I was
a boy in North Dakota
sitting in grass on my knees
Just whittling   It started
out watching a man
at a garden show   He
had reverence   and
for wood   I got that,
no fancy tools   Me
and my Old Timer's
knife   They went
out of business   Knives
come from China now
most steel does   but
I don't have any
artist gifts   except
my left hand   I have
ambitious notions   Take
myself out
of any story   Another
way to forget   General
Grant, Ulysses S., the President,
whittled every night
by campfire, whittled
sticks to nothing   That's
my aim   Like I say
it's slow go

Jim Bodeen
6-8 August 2018

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