--for Steve Hill
Driving home he says these things
come up on his phone every day--
I get the last one: What good shall I do?
This thing called grace, the cheap one,
what we talk about. Steve’s catalogue
built from yard sales, a garden with no
white space, surrounded
(immersed?) by the homeless
(and every homeless plant
re-planted) is a catalogue of things
to do daily advocating for those
living in tents, sleeping under tarps.
Shopping carts, dogs, doorway
urinals, letters to city hall, nothing
eliminated from Steve’s agenda.
You don’t go off the handle,
ever? Nope.
What would that do? The book
in his bag, today, Trash.
But I thought you were reading Bonhoeffer?
Steve is costly grace. Steve has
his twenty people, it’s such a small
circle, he says, walking me through
his compost system, from kitchen
waste to aged-top
soil, showing me how his sprinklers
keep things moist. Here pick
some figs, he says. This is Cedar
Monroe’s poor white journey, Trash.,
still deep suffering to attend to,
still much work to be done,
Steve handing Monroe’s book
to me in the car, paraphrasing
his own neighborhood full of color,
and poor whites: 66 million poor
whites in America: If you are housed,
or at least a verbal agreement to live somewhere…
Pastor Monroe. His cross on his desk:
We are not trash. The systems that kill us
are trash, his epilogue his anthem. Steve’s
got his hat on, his suspenders,
in cutoffs, looking at a boarded up
Victorian house as we drive
neighborhoods: Wouldn’t it be fun
to get that house and a bunch of kids
and fix it up! Bonhoeffer knows
deeply, he knows, how the Gospel
gets turned into its opposite through
such easy moves. How does Jesus
read scripture! So interesting.
Where do you begin?
The way Steve opens his phone--
Names what he’s grateful for,
three things, asks, What good shall
I do today, saying
Good things will happen.
One can’t be Christian and nationalist.
Answer your own questions.
Jim Bodeen
20 September-1 October 2024
witnessing at its best.