Aowie    Aoweee    lord hold it

listen listen sing

Burn your wood

Burn your word

And turn those skis

turn those skis

Snow lover snow lover

all of us dreams

trying to happen

toys accumulate for you

in our waiting garage

with your brother’s wooden

wagon what a coma state it is!

It is dreaming the body

we’ve met before we have we have

we’ve met before and I remember too

it was my mother calling

in that upturned canoe at Yachats

I heard you Mom

I hear you now

This is world work dance

You were always an elder


                     oH mA mA

I’m weaker now

the boat is tethered to Well River

down from the Milky Way

it’s just a process moving along

getting rid of what no longer serves

talking like this to the eyelash

yes yes you’re coming through the flowing

This talking with the eyelash

Jim Bodeen

23 August 2024

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