The Word Is Just, La Palabra Es Justo




…it is fitting for the upright to praise him[1]           

…es propio de los integros alabar al Señor[2]

…right living people sound best when praising[3]

…to the straightforward, praise is becoming[4]

…for praise is comely for the upright[5]

           --Psalm 33/Salmo 33


I take my temperature on the 33d Psalm.

With the 33d Psalm I live out my days.


I haven't gotten off to a very good start today.

It's early. That's not lost on me either.


Cool jazz, easy on the ear, isn't me.

I'm slide trombone, slurred, full of spit,


in between every position.

Caballero andante, cruzando las fronteras.


I have used flattery and been found out.

I stand guilty before my friends


and hide my eyes from my companion,

suspicious of myself before the beloved.


I am a beggar for the unguarded word.

Soy buscador, navegador armado en quijotescos.


Escudriñado de nada, chulo de diccionarios.

Como me dije, este día sería largo.


I am useless, there is nothing I can do.

The 33d Psalm is the breath-gift praising God.


Jim Bodeen

28 September 2020

[1] New International Version

[2] Nueva Versión Internacional

[3] Eugene H. Peterson

[4] Ellen Davis

[5] King James Version

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