Cold this morning at 28 degrees.
I. Psalm 84 / Salmo 84
¡Cuán hermosas son tus
Señor Todopoderoso!
The absence of a roof
brings sunlight closer to us
on the asphalt
repopulated communities
remove their uniforms
Anhelo con el alma los
atrios del Señor
casi agonizo por estar
en ellos.
My soul yearns, even
for the courts of the
It is said, ellos se dicen, que
tu no dejan nosotros huérfanos,
that we will always be yours.
B. Barry Lopez: I can't teach you hunger, and I can't teach
you discipline
Post Card for Barry Lopez
All those nights in the coldest places
furthest one away
that sleeping bag
not more crucial than the notebook
shaped by desire and hunger
I've looked for fathers in my life
and know some of what that's about
Dad visits me from time to time in dreams
I looked up so many words
the overlook of your horizon courier
photographs blowing from your motorcycle
and the eschatological moment
of commitment
Generosity of saying
others can do this and I can do this
this too is real food my tent
kernel on the shelf where you remember
these framed stamps of Walt Whitman
The geologist telling you
how a stone and a rock
are different and your love
of telling it on yourself
even as you tell it on others
It didn’t occur to me
that taking life so
might cause a loss of
It's so breathtaking
for a boy from rural
North Dakota approaching
others I can see them bracing
Thanks so much Oh!
and our time here the same time
you born three days after my wife
the ways we share 1968
III. A. Even the
sparrow has found a home,
and the swallow a nest
for herself
B. Muriel
Rukeyser: The word in the work makes me.
The Painted Yellow Rectangle can be seen by all.
The one who sees, and the one who hears.
Each has responsibility. Step inside the Free Speech Zone
where the poem stands against the algorithm.
que sólo piensa en
recorrer tus sendas
B. Jody
Aliesan: I would rather be wrong than
Didn't they know what they were doing
when they tucked ICE in this strip mall behind a McDonald's.
Put these young people with some Spanish
from somewhere to take monthly attendance
on those picked up by uniformed agents.
M's been here four times now.
Once a month. Costs he and his wife
200 bucks a trip. Almost late yesterday.
Called me saying, Our car couldn't make it
up the hill, Tuvimos comprar otro carro
por dos cientos dolares y bateria nuevo
por llegar. White guy in black t-shirt
all tatted up checks M in. Por que tiene
tantos números de telefono? One tat
running up his right arm of the American flag
the other one REDEEMED BY HEAVEN
in bold black seraph type, wrist to elbow,
beard out of the 19th Century.
A whistler, he whistles,
Whistle while you
Words on walls: Removal, Intensive Appearance.
Always questions, and always a question,
Offices filled with shelves from Home Depot
and cleaning supplies. Looks like a laundry room.
No tengo fecha ni día, M says, troubled.
Don't ask them where they got the money.
The name of the church group
helping them, Lights of Larson.
Go figure.
V. A. Cuando pasa por el valle de las Lágrimas
lo connvierte en
región de manantiales
B. Rudolf
Calling Certainty the great sin
of the 20th Century, and those empty pews
in Germany. They're empty here, too,
in the ones you stood with.
VI. A. Hear my prayer,
O Lord God Almighty,
Listen to me, O God of
B. Fyodor
They woke him at 4 am.
Christ over truth and more perfect.
Access and indifference to the camps.
Even if, Christ over truth, because of
perfect clarity, the beauty of it.
After they took the blindfolds off
you, the next in line,
like in a Bob Dylan song, redeemed,
American song with children
singing the refrigerator song.
VII. A. Prefiero
cuidar la entrada de la casa de mi Dios
Que habitar entre los
He knew the language of the barrio.
Neither priest nor pastor trusted him.
VIII. A. Better is one
day in your courts
Than a thousand
B. Justo González:
¿Por qué cree usted que Pablo coloca
estas palabras
en medio de una epístola sobre el gozo?
Poets scattered.
They opted for paying attention.
Not ones of the lesser lights.
Not at all.
They paid dearly.
Before anything else,
heaven is sky.
And everything incomplete on the ground,
recovered, composted.
No, not that.
C. Jon Sobrino
Yo no sé
de dónde,
pero no está
en el emperio.
VIII.A. Gary Snyder
Listening to an earlier reading on YouTube,
a younger Snyder talking with Lew Welch,
one of ours who disappeared,
Welch relating what rocks said about trees.
What's that?
They were just passing through.
Jim Bodeen
14 February--25 March 2020
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