Low sun, bleached grasses, fog.
Fresh snow on the mountain.

Equinox and what it brings
the mountain and the mail,

former student four decades
past, poet then and now,

bicycling with Roy Acuff
and the white speckled bird

from even further back.
Food and the mail, walking

tundra to Third Burroughs
trail taken from the map

enhancing intimacy,
burrowing, mountain

here and gone
and back again

that fast, a week into
what can't be grasped.

Did your childhood God
give you a Bible verse?

With mine, Ephesians 4:16,
it brought me so far

(but don't get above your raisin')
and multiplied like loaves

into a card game containing
the Ace of Clubs. Confronted

with holding or folding
I wrapped them for the vicar

as a gift. Without confession
or instruction, free-bird

flying. Young people
wound in chains

of sorrow and steel
boarding Swift Air.

Jim Bodeen
20 September-1 October 2019

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