Ephesians 4: 16 The Card Game Exploring the Bible Verse


Source for the cards comes from
the free play of thought
from Ephesians 4:16
from carrying the verse
handed to me in the oral tradition
by the old Icelandic pastor
45 years ago. Harald Sigmar, his name.
He was helping me with my truth telling.
Speak the truth in love, Jim.
I got it there, then, carrying it
as part of my practice,
as best I was able. In the mountains
a month ago, two pastors from Texas,
Austin, Dr. Mark Washington, Michael Coffey,
one AME, one Lutheran, arrive
at the hermitage with, but

I’m getting ahead of myself.
Source, as I said, comes from
the free play of thought,
which is the breakthrough image
of Vasily Grossman’s Russian novel,
Life and Fate, the novel arrested during
Grossman’s life, and he never saw his epic
in print. Free play of thought.
Speaking the truth in love.
An earlier source, William Tyndale’s
1534 translation in English reads,
Follow the truth in love. Have at it.
Tyndale, skinned alive, opened the way
for the Committee resulting in the King James translation.
Take your pick. Choose both.

They brought this project,
Washington and Coffey, they call
the Ephesians Project. Talking
about race in America. In churches. Talking
with love. Speaking, following.
Can we talk about it? They had slides,
evolving ones, and as fast as I was taking notes
I couldn’t get it all, and found I could
take notes with my Iphone. Those images!

Those images, I thought, on arriving
home, we could make a post card
of Ephesians 4:16 itself with verse and question,
Have you had the opportunity to speak truth in love?
Did you? No? Why not? Karen did that
and turned up the color, printing the card
the color of the Bleeding Heart
hanging in the basket over your porch.
Vibrant and passionate post cards.
Poems written on the back,
stamped and put in the mail.
I write to Washington and Coffey,
tell them about it, and then,
brushing my teeth in the bathroom,
a deck of cards left by grandchildren,
cards, smaller than a post card,
brought back from some casino
punched-out and discarded
showing the Ace of Clubs.
Karen, can you make cards,
I mean playing cards, can
we play this card? In a country
where we can’t talk,
we get a free play. As for the question
about the source, your call.

Jim Bodeen
15 September 2019

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