History in the Form of My Skin


yesterday, a Monday. He puts his arm
around me, asks me about my morning.
I don't quite have Mark Taylor right.
To embrace an executed God
is to be in resistance to empire.
Reverend Eric nods. "Supply side
sodomy" is what Tex Sample calls it,
changing some language for newspapers
in Kansas City. Eric puts his arm
around Karen and I take their picture.
Clouds and fog bring out colors in faces.
Smiles through the mist. Eric fills me in.
Family. Marriage. Ordination. Bands.
Starting out in Kansas City. Supposedly
they're giving me 5 minutes
at the MLK Assembly after this.

Eric with Kansas City walking roots
gets his 5 minutes, tells us of Rev Louise Turner.
Trouble brings me here. Beginning here.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Yakima.
Reverend Eric Don Anderson remembering his people.
Time is short. Belafonte and King
talking in the apartment.
Integrating a burning house.
Belafonte's eruption, Damn, Martin! What?
Martin Luther King's words, fresh
in Eric Anderson speaking across time,
We're going to have to be firemen.

A place and time for anger.
Brave words, Eric. Your time,
still time. Time to feel the heat.
It's coming. Wednesday.
Poor People's Campaign. It's coming.
Twitter at Unite the Poor.
503 families fed every Friday morning.
Our compassionate Congressman needs
some help--getting replaced.
Eric's five minutes. Fragments and notes.
We don't know what we'll find when we walk.
We don't know what will find us, either.
Opening welfare. Well fare. Oh, Eric,
Thank you. This is our us. Just us. Time.

Jim Bodeen
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Yakima, Wa
15 January 2018

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