No talk, no inked words
A cup of contemplation
Sustenance gatha
Jim Bodeen
21 September 2021
Slow the looking and you slow the reading, like trusting the river slows the river--some description and some big logs seeing into the beautyway while sitting on big river stones
No talk, no inked words
A cup of contemplation
Sustenance gatha
Jim Bodeen
21 September 2021
He: Free wisdom
She: Teeth removed
Jim Bodeen
20 September 2021
Not a trail head, an Ag museum
between the gap, Union Gap--
start at the dump rake, sit
on rusty steel seat taking a portrait of my son,
50, standing behind me
up from eastern Sierras.
Drier than that here
with no lakes. Dry
and up with cheat grass
and just enough
switchbacks to lock
my knees in the heel-
toe climb. Take water.
At just under a mile.
Some of this is uphill.
Joke without a smile.
See these slides out there
straight ahead into Selah,
son asks father,,
raised here in mountains
and to mountains there,
showing me our valley.
Drought-sage-dry Yakima,
feminine hills beauty sensuous
and gold, pale-bleached vistas
to fence posts, barbed wire,
and power lines. What
are these I ask, these
structures square
with no windows. Enclosures
with a satellite dish. Telephone
telling us KATS FM, KIMA,
local tv stations,
hill top a mile-and-a-half high
an overlook
Two Gala apples fresh-picked
Yakima orchard crisp
What did you do
with your core?
Gave it to the scorched earth.
Crunchy peanut butter, frozen
blackberry jam sandwiches
Both sides of Union Gap
No mountains but I saw
that cloud coming from fire--
What I try and look for,
evidence not from the research of others.
Jim Bodeen
1 September 2021
Beginning with punctuation and smoke
No keys, no bars, no guards.
Nobody in streets or yards
when you go out to get the mail.
The garden wants to be alone,
ignores you, as if to say,
Go back inside.
Checking Facebook,
a young woman in Michigan
dressed in an American flag,
protests the vaccine.
There’s that.
That song in your eyes, a romance.
Blowing smoke.
Got smoke?
Blow it up your ass
She was smoking, like hot.
He was going somewhere fast.
Here and gone.
The bear by the side of the road.
On the sign
delighting children.
The ball game on tv that I lost interest in.
I wasn’t done with my comments to Rod.
Couldn’t send Not even to Alabama
Not to Mississippi, Goddamn!
Emailed myself the same question
What’s outside What’s inside
What inning we in
Which masks to where
Joy Harjo and her horses
I have some masks
Jim Bodeen
15 August 2021